/* * Copyright (c) 2018. Developed by Hedgecode. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hedgecode.chess; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubnodeConfiguration; import org.junit.Test; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.Castle; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.Color; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.ColorPiece; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.Position; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.Positions; import org.hedgecode.chess.position.Square; /** * Abstract Common Chess Position Test class. * * @author Dmitry Samoshin aka gotty */ public abstract class AbstractPositionTest extends AbstractXMLConfigTest { protected static final String NAME = "name"; protected static final String POSITION = "position"; private static final String INITIAL = "initial"; private static final String EMPTY = "empty"; private static final String SQUARES = "squares"; private static final String MOVE = "move"; private static final String CASTLE = "castle"; private static final String EN_PASSANT = "enPassant"; private static final String HALFMOVE = "halfmove"; private static final String FULLMOVE = "fullmove"; private static final String MSG_POSITION = "[%s]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_SQUARE = "[%s -> Square %s]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_MOVE = "[%s -> Move]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_CASTLE = "[%s -> Castle (%s)]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_EN_PASSANT = "[%s -> En Passant]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_HALFMOVE = "[%s -> Halfmove]:"; private static final String MSG_POSITION_FULLMOVE = "[%s -> Fullmove]:"; private String positionName; public abstract List getXMLPositions() throws Exception; @Test public void testPositions() throws Exception { for (XMLConfiguration xmlConfig : getXMLPositions()) testPosition(xmlConfig); } public void testPosition(HierarchicalConfiguration xmlPosition) throws Exception { boolean isInitial = false, isEmpty = false; boolean isSquares = !xmlPosition.subset(SQUARES).isEmpty(); if (xmlPosition.containsKey(INITIAL)) isInitial = xmlPosition.getBoolean(INITIAL); if (xmlPosition.containsKey(EMPTY)) isEmpty = xmlPosition.getBoolean(EMPTY); assertTrue( isInitial || isEmpty || isSquares ); if (isSquares && !isEmpty) { SubnodeConfiguration squaresNode = xmlPosition.configurationAt(SQUARES); Iterator keys = squaresNode.getKeys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); String value = squaresNode.getString(key); assertNotNull( Square.getSquare(key) ); assertNotNull( ColorPiece.valueOf(value) ); } } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(MOVE)) { assertNotNull( Color.valueOf( xmlPosition.getString(MOVE) ) ); } if (!xmlPosition.subset(CASTLE).isEmpty()) { SubnodeConfiguration castleNode = xmlPosition.configurationAt(CASTLE); Iterator keys = castleNode.getKeys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); String value = castleNode.getString(key); assertNotNull( Color.valueOf(key.toUpperCase()) ); assertNotNull( Castle.valueOf(value) ); } } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(EN_PASSANT)) { assertNotNull( Square.getSquare( xmlPosition.getString(EN_PASSANT) ) ); } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(HALFMOVE)) { assertTrue( xmlPosition.getInt(HALFMOVE, -1) >= 0 ); } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(FULLMOVE)) { assertTrue( xmlPosition.getInt(FULLMOVE, 0) > 0 ); } } @Override protected String getConfigName() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } protected Position assignPosition(HierarchicalConfiguration xmlPosition) { if (xmlPosition.containsKey(INITIAL) && xmlPosition.getBoolean(INITIAL)) { return Positions.INITIAL.getPosition(); } Position position = Positions.EMPTY.getPosition(); if (!xmlPosition.subset(SQUARES).isEmpty()) { SubnodeConfiguration squaresNode = xmlPosition.configurationAt(SQUARES); Iterator keys = squaresNode.getKeys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); String value = squaresNode.getString(key); position.setPiece( ColorPiece.valueOf(value), Square.getSquare(key) ); } } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(MOVE)) position.setMove( Color.valueOf( xmlPosition.getString(MOVE) ) ); if (!xmlPosition.subset(CASTLE).isEmpty()) { SubnodeConfiguration castleNode = xmlPosition.configurationAt(CASTLE); Iterator keys = castleNode.getKeys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); String value = castleNode.getString(key); position.setCastle( Color.valueOf(key.toUpperCase()), Castle.valueOf(value) ); } } if (xmlPosition.containsKey(EN_PASSANT)) position.setEnPassant( Square.getSquare( xmlPosition.getString(EN_PASSANT) ) ); if (xmlPosition.containsKey(HALFMOVE)) position.setHalfMove( xmlPosition.getInt(HALFMOVE) ); if (xmlPosition.containsKey(FULLMOVE)) position.setFullMove( xmlPosition.getInt(FULLMOVE) ); return position; } protected void assertPositionEquals(Position expected, Position actual) { assertDiagramEquals( expected, actual ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_MOVE, positionName ), expected.getMove(), actual.getMove() ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_CASTLE, positionName, Color.WHITE ), expected.getCastle(Color.WHITE), actual.getCastle(Color.WHITE) ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_CASTLE, positionName, Color.BLACK ), expected.getCastle(Color.BLACK), actual.getCastle(Color.BLACK) ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_EN_PASSANT, positionName ), expected.getEnPassant(), actual.getEnPassant() ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_HALFMOVE, positionName ), expected.getHalfMove(), actual.getHalfMove() ); assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_FULLMOVE, positionName ), expected.getFullMove(), actual.getFullMove() ); } protected void assertDiagramEquals(Position expected, Position actual) { assertNotNull( expected ); assertNotNull( actual ); assertSquaresEquals( expected.getSquares(), actual.getSquares() ); } private void assertSquaresEquals(Map expected, Map actual) { for (Map.Entry entry : expected.entrySet()) { assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION_SQUARE, positionName, entry.getKey().name() ), entry.getValue(), actual.get(entry.getKey()) ); } } protected void assertStringEquals(String expected, String actual) { assertEquals( String.format( MSG_POSITION, positionName ), expected, actual ); } public String getPositionName() { return positionName; } protected void setPositionName(String name) { positionName = name; } /* public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { XMLConfiguration xmlConfig = new XMLConfiguration( new File( FENBuilderTest.class.getResource("FENBuilderTest.xml").toURI() ) ); for (HierarchicalConfiguration testConfig : xmlConfig.configurationsAt(TESTS)) { AbstractPositionTest.testPosition( testConfig.configurationAt(POSITION) ); } } */ }