[chesshog.git] / src / test / resources / org / hedgecode / chess / fen / FENParserTest.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3 <!--
4   ~ Copyright (c) 2018. Developed by Hedgecode.
5   ~
6   ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7   ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8   ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
9   ~
10   ~
11   ~
12   ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   ~ limitations under the License.
17   -->
19 <config>
20     <tests>
21         <test>
22             <name>Initial Position</name>
23             <fen>rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1</fen>
24             <position>
25                 <initial>true</initial>
26             </position>
27         </test>
28         <test>
29             <name>Evergreen Game</name>
30             <fen>1r2k1r1/pbppnp1p/1b3P2/8/Q7/B1PB1q2/P4PPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 21</fen>
31             <position>
32                 <squares>
33                     <g1>WHITE_KING</g1>
34                     <a4>WHITE_QUEEN</a4>
35                     <d1>WHITE_ROOK</d1>
36                     <a3>WHITE_BISHOP</a3>
37                     <d3>WHITE_BISHOP</d3>
38                     <a2>WHITE_PAWN</a2>
39                     <c3>WHITE_PAWN</c3>
40                     <f6>WHITE_PAWN</f6>
41                     <f2>WHITE_PAWN</f2>
42                     <g2>WHITE_PAWN</g2>
43                     <h2>WHITE_PAWN</h2>
44                     <e8>BLACK_KING</e8>
45                     <f3>BLACK_QUEEN</f3>
46                     <b8>BLACK_ROOK</b8>
47                     <g8>BLACK_ROOK</g8>
48                     <b7>BLACK_BISHOP</b7>
49                     <b6>BLACK_BISHOP</b6>
50                     <e7>BLACK_KNIGHT</e7>
51                     <a7>BLACK_PAWN</a7>
52                     <c7>BLACK_PAWN</c7>
53                     <d7>BLACK_PAWN</d7>
54                     <f7>BLACK_PAWN</f7>
55                     <h7>BLACK_PAWN</h7>
56                 </squares>
57                 <move>WHITE</move>
58                 <castle>
59                     <white>NONE</white>
60                     <black>NONE</black>
61                 </castle>
62                 <halfmove>0</halfmove>
63                 <fullmove>21</fullmove>
64             </position>
65         </test>
66         <test>
67             <name>Immortal Zugzwang Game</name>
68             <fen>6k1/3q2p1/p2bp2p/3p1r2/1p1Pp3/3bQ1PP/PP1B1rB1/1N2R1RK w - - 0 26</fen>
69             <position>
70                 <squares>
71                     <h1>WHITE_KING</h1>
72                     <e3>WHITE_QUEEN</e3>
73                     <e1>WHITE_ROOK</e1>
74                     <g1>WHITE_ROOK</g1>
75                     <d2>WHITE_BISHOP</d2>
76                     <g2>WHITE_BISHOP</g2>
77                     <b1>WHITE_KNIGHT</b1>
78                     <a2>WHITE_PAWN</a2>
79                     <b2>WHITE_PAWN</b2>
80                     <d4>WHITE_PAWN</d4>
81                     <g3>WHITE_PAWN</g3>
82                     <h3>WHITE_PAWN</h3>
83                     <g8>BLACK_KING</g8>
84                     <d7>BLACK_QUEEN</d7>
85                     <f5>BLACK_ROOK</f5>
86                     <f2>BLACK_ROOK</f2>
87                     <d6>BLACK_BISHOP</d6>
88                     <d3>BLACK_BISHOP</d3>
89                     <a6>BLACK_PAWN</a6>
90                     <b4>BLACK_PAWN</b4>
91                     <d5>BLACK_PAWN</d5>
92                     <e6>BLACK_PAWN</e6>
93                     <e4>BLACK_PAWN</e4>
94                     <g7>BLACK_PAWN</g7>
95                     <h6>BLACK_PAWN</h6>
96                 </squares>
97                 <move>WHITE</move>
98                 <castle>
99                     <white>NONE</white>
100                     <black>NONE</black>
101                 </castle>
102                 <halfmove>0</halfmove>
103                 <fullmove>26</fullmove>
104             </position>
105         </test>
106         <test>
107             <name>Empty Position</name>
108             <fen>8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1</fen>
109             <position>
110                 <empty>true</empty>
111                 <move>WHITE</move>
112                 <halfmove>0</halfmove>
113                 <fullmove>1</fullmove>
114             </position>
115         </test>
116     </tests>
117 </config>